A Brief History of Bantayan Island

Cebu, Philippines
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Island Hopping, Kite Surfing, and White Sand Beaches

Origin of The Name, Bantayan

During the time of 22nd Governor-General Sebastián Hurtado de Corcuera, the Visayans were continually harassed by Moro pirates who came on raids to capture slaves. Consequently, tall stone walls and watchtowers were built in different parts of the archipelago, for refuge and protection from Moro aggression.

Popular folklore says that these watchtowers were known locally as “Bantayan sa Hari”, meaning “Watchtowers of the King”, and they served as lookout towers for incoming vintas (Moro pirate vessels). In the course of their vigil, it became common to say, “Bantayan! Bantayan!”, meaning, “Keep watch! Keep watch!”, and that was how this island-group got its name.


However, Madridejos history scholar Eng’r. Brient Mangubat who have studied Bantayan Island History and the Lawis Old Fort foundation in Madridejos claimed that the origin of the Island’s name Bantayan have nothing to do with the Muslim raiders

according to Brient Mangubat, the Island got its name (Bantayan) way back in year 1574, when the Island’s northern side (LAWIS), was used as a” Lookout post” after Da-an Bantayan to monitor the Visyan Sea against Chinese, as Manila the country’s capital city was under attack by the forces led by Limahong.
The Island’s name, Bantayan, was already used 25 years earlier, before the first recorded Muslim raid took place on Bantayan Island in year 1600.

In all there were 18 watchtowers built on the Bantayan islands. Most have not survived, although relics can be seen to this day.

That at Madridejos is in fair condition, that at Santa Fe less so. There is a particularly fine example on Doong island

  • Sight Seeing 90% 90%
  • Food 70% 70%
  • Transportation 50% 50%
  • Activities 80% 80%

Best Food & Drink

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3 Days in Bantayan

Arriving Friday – Leaving Sunday

Day 1

  1. Arrive on Monday and find your resort or accommodations.
  2. Rent a Bike or Motor Bike
  3. Head to MJ Square for some food
  4. Enjoy the nightlife and local atmosphere

Here’s a list of some Must Try Foods & Restos… 


Day 2

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Day 3

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